Submitted by trendoceans on Mon, 01/02/2023 - 04:27
Neofetch, Screenfetch, etc., which display your system information like the Linux OS version, hostname, processor, kernel, memory, desktop environment, resolution, CPU, GPU, and many more.
Despite the fact that this information can be read from a file present in the root directory, you can still use this tool to get clean output.
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Submitted by Jake on Mon, 01/02/2023 - 04:20
Submitted by Jake on Sat, 12/31/2022 - 03:04
In this article, you will learn how to disable the directory content listing from the command line in Linux.
Click here learn more
Submitted by Jake on Sat, 12/31/2022 - 03:03
In this article, you will learn how to modify user and group configuration files safely using your favorite text editor.
Click here to learn more
Submitted by Jake on Fri, 12/30/2022 - 03:04
In this article, you will learn how to use another file instead of the traditional “~/.bash_history” file to store your command history.
Check out the link to learn more
Submitted by Jake on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 04:17
Submitted by Jake on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 04:17
In UNIX/Linux systems, the mv command shipped with the operating system is usually used for the following purposes:
1. Moving files from source to destination directory.
2. Rename the file or directory name.
If you’re familiar with the cp command, you can use the same techniques to use the mv command.
Check out the referenced link to learn more
Submitted by tuxtops on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 02:20
LinuxCertified is a leading provider of Linux laptops and other computer hardware. These laptops are pre-installed with a variety of Linux distributions, including popular options like Ubuntu and Fedora, and are designed to be fully compatible with a range of hardware, including printers, scanners, and other peripherals.
Submitted by trendoceans on Tue, 12/13/2022 - 08:07
The first time you get to know Linux and decide to learn Linux, there is a term that is foreign to your ears, namely “Linux Distro.”
When you want to use Linux, you have to choose the type of Linux, for example, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux, CentOS, and so on. This type of Linux is called a “Linux distro”.
There are hundreds of Linux distros published on the internet, all of which are different and made for their own purposes.
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Submitted by th3 on Wed, 11/23/2022 - 13:38
KDE has been available as a FOSS for 26 years, it is still one of the most powerful and flexible desktop environments that are designed specifically for Linux systems. Initially, KDE meant “Kool Desktop Environment” but it was later changed to “K Desktop Environment”. KDE is 100% free to use and anyone can contribute to their open-source code.