2 Ways to Capture Website Screenshots from the Command-line on Linux

There is no need to install any utilities or extensions to take screenshots of the webpage. If you are using Linux, then you can just run the following command to take a snip of your webpage.

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Mazter Game: A Maze in Your Linux Terminal

The Linux system is full of fun and surprises for beginner users. However, there is also an obstacle that can be defined as a maze of Linux from which you need to find your way out.

Climbing each stair (Maze) can lead you to the next level on your Linux journey. This cannot be easy or hard, but I can guarantee that you will enjoy every moment of this journey.

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sssnake: A Classic Snake Game to Play in Your Free Time

Linux is intriguing for a while, but after a certain period, you will have mental burnout while continuously staring at the terminal screen. To claim yourself, you usually take a break or have a sip of dark coffee and get back to work.

What if I say that you have an additional option to chill out your brain from the terminal burnout with a classical snake game that you used to play on your Nokia devices?

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How to Convert a /home Directory to a Separate Partition in Linux

create home partition

Some people forgot to create a home partition during installation, if you are one of them, follow the instructions below to create a home partition.

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How to Install Fish Shell with Starship on Linux distributions

When you are looking for a shell that is capable of auto highlighting, command completion, and suggest you next option to use with the command, which does not require much customization to start with the shell, then the fish shell is for you.

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How to Disable ‘su’ Access for Sudo Users in Linux

It's not reliable to allow multiple users to have access to the root account, especially when one or more sudo users reside on your system, so you can simply lock it by disabling the su command.

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Reptyr: Move Working Process into Another Terminal Session without Closing in Linux

If you are a Linux or cloud administrator or anyone whose life revolves around a Linux terminal, then you need to LEARN about Reptyr, RIGHT NOW! You might be thinking, what the heck is this tool and why should you use it? What void space does it fill?

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Use Apt or Apt-Get Command to Install a Specific Version of a Package on Ubuntu

Do you want to install a specific version of a package using the apt or apt-get command without using modern sandboxing tools like Snap or Flatpak?

Then check your package for all available versions that you want to install by using the below command.

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How to Run Shell Scripts in Linux [with Detailed Explanation for Beginners]

What is a shell script? A shell script is a sequence of commands written inside a text file with a “.sh” extension that is intended to be run on Unix-based operating systems like Linux.

Any person skilled in the Linux command line and possessing a decent knowledge of shell and bash scripting languages can create their own shell script to automate certain tasks like backing up the system.

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Uncover: Quickly Discover Exposed Hosts on the Internet from Linux

No doubt, Shodan is an amazing way to find devices connected to the internet. However, it is not the only search engine. There are several platforms like Censys and Fofa that offer you the chance to check if the device is connected to the internet.

If you have a list of IP addresses and check it on Shodan (to know whether they are exposed to the internet), in a very rare situation, you might not see any result declaring that they are not exposed.

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