Motorola ROKR E1 review

Thanks to the Apple hype machine, Motorola's ROKR E1 was one of the most anticipated mobile phones ever. After 18 months of speculation (ever since it was announced that iTunes would be coming to some Motorola phones) Motorola and Apple debuted the ROKR E1 on the same day as the iPod nano. Besides photos, there is an included video review that shows the ROKR E1 in action.


I need to know if this phone can work with Linux. I use Rhythmbox to manage my library, then I want to sync my Rokr with my Linux, not iTunes. When I use gtkpod to sync, the iTunes of the mobile doesn't found the musics, but gtkpod creates all files (iTunes_Control etc..) in the transflash.

You don't need special support on Rhythmbox for the ROKR. Just mount the phone's transflash storage using the "mount" command and drag-n-drop your music files in it. There is no ROKR specific support on Rhythmbox or gtkpod. The ROKR is not an iPod, and so the Linux drivers for the iPod won't work with it.

does not work ive tryed that
the Itunes on the phone is similar to the ipod software and forces you have to put the music on with itunes which can only be run under linux viatwo options
A)wine or some derivative ie.crossover office
B)VMWare Workstation (Which occasionaly f***s things up)