How to Enable X11 and Disable Wayland Window System

There are multiple ways to switch from the Wayland window system to the X11 window system, such as follows:
1.) Easily switch from Wayland to the X11 Window system from the lockscreen.
2.) Modify /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf or /etc/gdm3/custom.conf to permanently disable Wayland. Read more

How to Install AnyDesk on a Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, and Other major Flavours)

AnyDesk is a cross-platform Remote client that allows you to remotely control any desktop and it has numerous features like remote control, file transfer, group policies, address book, custom namespace, REST API support, whitelist, Two-Factor Authentication, and many more. Read more

Grep Command with Examples

Grep stands for (Global Regular Expression Print) is a Linux command-line utility to perform essential regular expression in the file. Today, you will learn to use the grep command with advanced examples.

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How to fix VMware Modconfig can not continue

Recently, I installed a VMware workstation on a fresh Debian installation. After that, when I ran the VMware workstation to create a new virtual machine, I got the error message: Build environment error! A required application is missing, and Modconfig can not continue. XZ Check the log for more details. Read more

Ubuntu revamp its logo after 12 years

The first impression of the new logo makes me wonder why Ubuntu needed to change the logo, which was looking far better in terms of visual appeal.

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Easy way to fix: sudo unable to resolve host name or service not known

Once in a while, you will encounter the above error after making changes to /etc/hostname. And the resolution of this error is pretty simple.

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How to Use SFTP Command to Transfer Files

No offense, but are you still using the same old standard FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to exchange files from a remote system?

It’s been a five-decade since FTP came, now we have a more appropriate alternative with good security algorithms without compromising the speed.

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Bash Keyboard Shortcuts for the pro!

Typically, we use arrow keys to control shell behaviors like moving the cursor from one point to another point. Also, it’s quite common to make mistakes while writing commands and to correct these you may use arrow keys + backspace, which is not optimal at all.

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PC Gaming Using Linux As Your OS Here’s What You Need to Know

Traditionally, when people consider PC gaming, the overwhelming majority have only really considered Microsoft Windows as the operating system of choice. However, those thoughts are slowly changing, with Linux becoming more accepted.

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How to automount disk or USB in Linux {GUI/CLI}

We have recently covered an article on the UUID of disk storage, where we discussed why we need UUID, how to retrieve it, and all. It is important to have a UUID when you want to automount your drive.

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