shred command: makes files unrecoverable in Linux

Are you still removing your files containing sensitive information (ssh keys, account password, auth file, etc) using the standard way?
Then you are making it easier for third-party applications to recover. Let’s dig in more; every time you delete files the standard way, they just get unlinked from the filesystem, making the block free for overwriting. Read more

How to Install JasperReports on Ubuntu 20.04

JasperReports is an open-source Java reporting tool, a stand-alone and embeddable reporting server. JasperReports is a Java class library, Java developers who need to add reporting capabilities to their applications use this tool. Read more

How to Install SuiteCRM with Nginx and Free Let's Encrypt SSL on Ubuntu 22.04

SuiteCRM is an open-source customer relationship management solution written in PHP. It's a fork of the popular SugarCRM software after SugarCRM stopped releasing its community edition. It is used to create a central repository for all your customer data to gain insights that can be used to enhance and nurture your business relationships.
In this post, you will learn how to install SuiteCRM using the Nginx web server and Let's Encrypt SSL on Ubuntu 22.04. Read more

How to Find/Get IP Address in Linux Using Command Line

One of the first questions many new Linux system administrators face is getting the IP address. Furthermore, this question is regularly asked when applying for positions that require Linux skills.

However, IP addresses can be public (external) and private (internal). So, before we get into the practical side of things, let’s clarify what public and private IP addresses are and how they differ. Read more

10 Useful Python One-Liners You Must Know

One of the greatest benefits of Python is its ability to snake (pun completely intended) around a lot of conventions found in other languages with little effort on behalf of the programmer, letting you compose incredibly simple little “quips” to get the job done. Here are a few examples! Read more


Closed Source vs. Open Source Hardware Drivers: Why It Matters

Computer device drivers are what enable your operating system to tell the hardware inside your computer and the peripherals that you've plugged in what to do.

Like apps and operating systems, these hardware drivers can consist of openly available source code hidden behind binary blogs and a lengthy end-user license agreement.

So, what are the differences between closed and open-source hardware drivers? Furthermore, how do these differences impact you? Read more

How to Install ImageMagick 7 on RHEL/Fedora/AlmaLinux

For RHEL-based distributions such as Fedora, Alma Linux, or CentOS, users can easily install ImageMagick 7 using the below methods.
ImageMagick is a free and open-source tool to edit, create, compose or convert digital images into another format. It supports over 200 formats, including PNG, JPEG, GIF, WebP, HEIC, SVG, PDF, DPX, EXR, and TIFF. Read more

Share your Linux terminal with tmate

Watching someone else work in a Linux terminal is very educational. You can learn new commands, new workflows, or new ways to debug and automate. But it can be difficult to capture what you're seeing so you can try it yourself later. You might resort to taking screenshots or a screen recording of a shared terminal session so you can type out each command later. The only other option is for the person demonstrating the commands to record the session using a tool like Asciinema or script and scriptreplay.

How to interrupt the Linux boot process

During a computer's boot process, you must transition from a firmware (UEFI or BIOS) process to loading a kernel and then finally to the user environment. When booting a POSIX system, you can choose to interrupt the boot process to adjust settings or even to log in using a chroot environment. Learn more

How to Install VNC Server Ubuntu 22.04

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a desktop sharing protocol that allows you to control a computer remotely using the VNC client software. VNC is working on GUI (Graphical User Interface) environments, it transmits movements of your mouse and keyboard input over the network using the Remote Frame Buffer (RFB) protocol. Commonly, VNC is used for technicians to control client desktops or used by someone that needs to access their Desktop in the office from their home. VNC can be used securely through the VPN network or using the SSH tunneling connection.


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